After first being exposed to yoga in college, Amanda began a more serious yoga practice when she moved to the DC area in 2013. Amanda’s practice began as a means to increase both flexibility and strength. Over time, her love for the physical and mindfulness aspects of yoga grew as did her desire to share the gift of yoga with others. Amanda completed her RYT200hr at Radiance and her RPYT (prenatal) certification at Mind the Mat. Amanda has also completed a restorative yoga certification.

Amanda describes her teaching as a combination of flow, breath, and mindfulness practices. Her sequences are creative, dynamic, and breath-focused. Amanda’s playlists include a mix of instrumental, indie, pop, and classical music. Just like her sequences, Amanda caters her playlists to the style and level of classes she teaches. When not in the studio, you can find Amanda hiking, biking, running, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.

Click here to see the classes Amanda Stewart is teaching this week →
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